Root Canal Treatment Cost in Gurgaon
The cost of root canal treatment in Gurgaon may range from Rs. 2000 to Rs.12000. The charges of RCT in Gurgaon depends on the clinic, experience of dentists, root canal specialists (Endodontist), Extent of tooth damage, Type of dental crown placed on root canaled tooth.
Cost of Root Canal Treatment (RCT)
RCT cost in Gurgaon may vary with a lot of things like clinic location, dentists experience, specialist of root canal treatment (Endodontist), types of equipment used, the material used, and dental crown variety. To consider the cost of root canal treatment we must understand the basic procedure and the dental materials used for the procedure.
Rotary Endodontics: Your root canal procedure can be done with manual files as well as with rotary endodontic instruments. Rotary endodontic motor, apex locator and rotary flex files tend to be more expensive than the normal manual root canal files. In dental clinics that utilize high-end rotary equipment and material, your root canal treatment cost is more compared to manual root canal treatment.
Digital Dental X-ray: Your dentist can do a manual x-ray or a digital x-ray during a root canal procedure. Digital x-rays work on very less radiation exposure and are good for your health. The digital x-ray unit is more expensive than a normal x-ray unit. Your root canal treatment cost is increased with a digital x-ray unit.
Apex Locator: For high precision of your root canal cleaning and shaping apex locators help your dentist prepare the root apex properly. Your Root Canal Treatment cost will be more if equipment like an apex locator is used for your procedure.
Flexible Rotary Files: High-end flexible rotary files are made of titanium and are more expensive than normal manual root canal files.
High-End Rotary Endodontics

Apex Locator
For precise root canal fillings, a digital apex locator is used to determine the length of the root and exact apex location. Proper cleaning and shaping of the apex of the root and filling up to the apex usually get more successful outcomes than manual RCT. We utilize digital apex locators to get root canal apex and seal RCT.

Digital Dental X-ray
A digital dental x-ray unit is very useful in Root canal treatment to see root sealing and existing pathology. Also, a digital x-ray is safer as its radiations are very low. At the i-Smile charitable dental clinic in Gurgaon, we utilize digital x-rays for root canal treatment and other diagnostics.

Flexible Rotary Files
With advanced Endomotor a very flexible filing system is used for cleaning and shaping root canals. These files bear more torque and reach very difficult root canals very easily. Also, these files are safer as they are made of titanium and tend to be resistant to file breakage into a canal.

Affordable Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon
First Step (Visit)
Second Step (Visit)
Third Step (Visit)
Fourth Step (Visit)
Why a crown is needed after RCT?

At i-Smile, we have complete root canal treatment packages along with a different variety of dental crowns. You can choose from the metal crown, Porcelain fused to metal crown or zirconia crown.